The Misadventures Of Tron Bonne

Ahh memories…

When people ask me what my favorite game I have ever played is, I have to carefully consider the question. This game however certainly comes to mind no matter what. It might not be my final decision but it’s certainly on my favorite games list.

The game itself, strangely enough, is a PS1 spin-off game of the Megaman Legends series. The game starts one of the enemies in the Megaman series, Tron Bonne. A group of super advanced sky pirates which have little Lego-Like robots that help them known as servebots. The story itself is relatively simple, you play as Tron and your brother is kidnapped by a Loan shark. To get him back you have to pay back your debt. Considering they are sky pirates and not tax accountants they proceed to do so in the most fun and simple way possible, steal it all! The story is nothing to be stellar about and the voice acting to go along with it is typical 90’s cheesy, but it’s still fun to listen to and I enjoy it.

The box for the game (look out for it if you see it!)

The main gameplay elements are actually incredibly varied. Most of the game you will be in a giant, pink mech which is very similar in style to the Megaman Legend games. The controls for this section are a little wonky but you can change the controls to a different style which can activate auto aim and allow strafing. The other gameplay sections involve doing loads of quests in order to steal money, and there are a lot! There is a cave hunting quest where you control the servebots and a little camera bot, a puzzle like crate moving game set in shipping yards, a gambling casino and so much more! The variety of things you can do in this game is truly astounding and the best part is that they don’t feel disjointed. They all fit together in a blend of perfect gaming variety and allow you to quickly choose your favourite. The rest of the time you will be in your sky fortress where you can manage systems and money deals, talk and interact with your servebots (all with unique personalities and traits) and research components for your missions. This makes the game very in depth and only recently did I figure out some of the more complex things you can do, there was even a whole secret side mission I knew nothing about!

A pink mech lifting police cars to steal money (yes this game really is this cool)

The graphics for the time were surprisingly good. The models may look a bit blocky but the textures are high quality and the cartoon style conversation boxes make for a unique look for the game. Environments are varied depending on what missions you do and the soundtrack is pretty fun to listen to, nothing that truly stands out but not bad. The game also has a HUGE amount of time to invest in it. A certain event will ensure that you will continue to play this game long after you have payed back your money and it is truly a joy to keep playing. Finally I HAVE to give mention to just how awesome the servebots are. They are all funny and unique in their own way, each being numbered accordingly so you will know which is which. Different servebots have different traits that can affect gameplay and you can not only train them to make them better skilled but also pick which ones you want to take out on missions according to the situation and their skills.

Overall this game is still great fun even today. No matter what people may say this game will stay in my heart as one of my all time favorites and while I know there are flaws (hopefully I pointed them out) the game is still enjoyable to play. Getting hold of a copy today may be tricky however so be wary! Worth every penny though.


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