End of the Line, Start of a New One.

The true face!

The true face!

So the new site is almost ready! Monday should be when I am ready to publish on the new site. Here is a link to it! (look at the pretty new logo!)


It has been a great pleasure to entertain and inform you all for over 3 years of my life. But of course this isn’t the end, it’s the start of a new line! One that will be more frequently updated, more professional and overall of better quality for you all. Just remember however, as you can see above I’m just a dude at his computer writing about the hobby he loves most. So enjoy your time out there in the world my loyal followers, I will see you on Monday.

That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.

Big News!

Look how strange we are!

Look how strange we are!

So people, big things have happened, prepare your butts.

Obviously you all know about my trip to Glasgow Comic-Con. As you can see from the above photo it was an absolute blast! (ignore sadness being sad). I saw plenty of wonderful cosplays and met some great people, overall a wonderful time. Even bigger news however comes in new changes to the site, we’re moving!

Thanks to the wondrous generosity of Les Ellis of Atomicom Ltd (thank you!) I have been provided with a completely new website! It’s not finished yet, but jinxthegamecritic will be moving to there once I am done! This new site will also provide an opportunity for big changes into how the site is run. Firstly I will be uploading every single weekday, weekends however shall remain unchanged. This will allow me to get much more content out for you guys and help provide a better quality of blog for you all to read. Of course with the much more frequent upload schedule a lot of the posts I will be making will be focused on daily gaming news, this is so I don’t run out of ideas! Finally I will also be creating a dedicated Facebook page and twitter account so that everyone can keep up to date with the new posts that are uploaded every day! Hopefully this should allow the site to grow. I also am thinking of creating a Youtube channel that will link directly with the reviews I do. This will probably come a bit later though so stay tuned!

I will let you all know when the official move to the new site happens. Thank you all for bringing me this far, let’s see just how big we can get! That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.

Comic-Con Away!

The happy couple!

The happy couple!

So I have to let you know some sad news, I won’t be able to update the site for around a week or so, yes yes please hold back your tears. The good news is that I am away because of Glasgow City Comic-Con!

I will be going to this con (the biggest one I am going to this year) dressed as the marionette from FNAF and my girlfriend shall be with me, dressed as Chica! (don’t we just look lovely above… don’t we!?) If you just so happen to see us in the convention then be sure to come say hello! I’d love to meet and talk with you all. I will be looking forward to seeing if any fellow followers are there! I will let you all know when I am back and how my experiences were.

That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.

Drink Away!

All that radioactive goodness...

All that radioactive goodness…

So after my girlfriend made me a wonderful replica of the Nuka Cola Quantum (complete with glow in the dark capabilities!) I realised that there are a lot of gaming beverages, or even real beverages inspired by gaming! Whether it be cocktails made to look like several Pokemon or real versions of Sunset Sarsparilla there are loads to choose from so I wanted to ask what were your favourites?

As you could probably tell by my choice in gifts I love the idea of Nuka Cola Quantum from Fallout. Something as silly (and apparently incredibly sweet!) as that seems like something I would love to drink, radioactivity aside! So what would you consider your favourites? Let me know in the comment section!

That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.

They’re Here! (almost)

The possible title look!

The possible title look!

Over the past week something very strange has been going on in the Team Fortress 2 community. Strange Unidentified Flying Objects have been appearing on various maps within the game and posters have appeared on walls warning of UFO’s in the areas. Have we finally gone mad? Possibly. What we do know however is that TF2 may never be the same again…

Actually this is all just hype for the newest Team Fortress 2 update, Invasion. It’s rumored to be coming out later today so fingers crossed! The new update will probably include a whole load of new items, cosmetics and even some maps! We just don’t fully know what this new update will bring, we shall just have to wait until later today to find out! Or maybe wait a long time if it doesn’t come out… then I will be very sad.

Anyway have you been keeping track of this new TF2 update? What do you think about an Alien themed update? Be sure to tell me your views! That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.


Such a small change...

Such a small change…

I recently decided to try out a paid section of gamemodes within TF2 in order to get myself a rare golden weapon (oh sorry… Australium…). This got me thinking though, why am I doing this just to get a slightly different looking weapon in my game?

There are no gameplay benefits to having a different skin on my weapon, and this seems to be a strange trend with a lot of games. They offer us a unique or rare reskin of a weapon (usually in gold) and people will go crazy to obtain it. Pay real world money, go through extreme challenges or simply rely upon the RNG for an ungodly amount of time in order to get just a slightly different looking weapon. Doesn’t really seem like it would be really worth it.

And yet, here I am with a new golden gun that I, in effect, payed money for. I think it’s not just the change in the gun which is desirable it’s what I like to call the ‘Show off to your mates’ effect. The ability to be above not only your peers and friends but also random people who might just ask you “Wow! How did you get a gold gun!?”. It’s purely psychological, making yourself feel better even if there wasn’t much skill in acquiring the actual weapon. Who knows though, maybe we all just like shiny things.

What do you all think on this matter? Have you gone through extreme lengths to get slightly different looking weapons and if you did then why? Let me know in the comments! That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.

Pokemon GO

The next big new experience?

The next big new experience?

So today the Pokemon Company confirmed their first truly big game for the mobile smartphone market, Pokemon GO. What’s interesting is that it’s an Augmented Reality game in which you find, capture and battle Pokemon in the real world using AR and GPS technology. The game is being developed by Niantic Labs who were responsible for another very popular AR game called Ingress.

The studio’s huge success with Ingress has given me high hopes for this game, especially considering it will be free. The problems I foresee however are the possibilities that this could just become another cash grabbing free to play game, this is worryingly possible especially considering the official reveal trailer showed off almost no actual gameplay. Who knows though, it could be great! We will all just have to see.

That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.


You Brave Man

You Brave Man

Many a True Nerd, a gaming channel on Youtube has completed and has started something mad. The wonderful man not too long ago successfully completed a new type of playthrough of Fallout New Vegas that he invented known as a YOLO run. The idea is fairly simple, he only has a single health bar throughout the entire game, meaning he can’t ever heal. Once he hits 0 health, he dies.

Now for a game like Fallout New Vegas this was insane, and yet he did it, he even beat all the extra DLC too! Recently however in the run up to Fallout 4 he decided to do another YOLO playthrough, this time through Fallout 3 which many people think he simple cannot beat. Will he beat it? He’s already on his third episode so time will only tell! Here is a link to his Youtube channel where you can check out the entire Fallout New Vegas run and his new run in Fallout 3.


That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.

It Sounds So Good!

Oh uh... spoilers.

Oh uh… spoilers.

So for some reason I have been listening to the final boss battle music from Portal 2, known and Bombs For Throwing At You, a lot recently. I absolutely love this piece as it captures the feel of a giant robot overlord battle and also manages to excite you, even from just a few bleeps and bloops. Dubstep boss battle music has never sounded better.

This got me thinking however, what are your favourite boss battle soundtracks? What game has the best one in your opinion and why do you like it so much? Tell me in the comments section!

That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.

The Holy Trinity

The Holy Trinity itself

The Holy Trinity itself

So I have recently been playing a bit of The Elder Scrolls Online and have been having a pretty good time as my Nightblade Vampire Lord. I have found recently however that my playstyle in the game seems to blend a few of the traits in MMO’s known as the ‘Holy Trinity’. If you don’t know this set of three ways to play an mmo are considered to be the bread and butter to all MMORPG’s. You choose to be a tank, a damage soaker, DPS, damage dealer and Healer which is self explanatory.

ESO probably isn’t the best example of this holy trinity however as a the game tends to shy away from the Hoyl trinity of MMO’s. I wanted to ask you all however if you do play MMO’s or if you ever started to play some which role would you choose? Tell me what your choice would be however you can!

That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.