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Free VS Quality

THE pinnacle of Subscription MMO's

THE pinnacle of Subscription MMO’s

I have a question for you all, what makes a good MMO, the fact it is free, or the overall quality?

Many people can debate this. A subscription service ensures quality! Free to play is always good for your wallet if you aren’t stupid! Subscription keeps casuals out! Free to Play brings more gamers in! It’s an endless debate and I wanted to ask you all the same question.

Personally I feel as though the subscription service is outdated as gamers aren’t expected to spend countless months on the same game, much less with the fact that they do not like being pressured into constantly playing it to make the subscription worthwhile. Then again World of Warcraft is pretty much globally known as the best MMO ever made, and that is still going today with a subscription fee. The quality of the game made it so good that people won’t stop paying money for the fee and the expansions. Something like Neverwinter is also a great game, but does not come with the hefty pricetag. One of the only reasons I play ESO a lot know is that I am no longer pressured to play, and it has allowed me to enjoy the game a lot more and see all the improvements. This is why I believe the subscription service is outdated, I like to OWN my games, not have to pay to keep owning them. Anyway let me know your feelings in the comments section below!

That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.

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