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Dino Horde!

Orion Prelude

Yes, this is as awesome as this picture implies

So after a bit of a break from my previous review, I decided to check out a little game called ‘Orion: Prelude’, originally known as Dino Horde. Holy balls this game is awesome.

Think of a blend of Halo, Call of Duty and Borderlands, crossed with a bit of Team Fortress 2 and then throw dinosaurs into the mix and you have yourself a badass game. the game actually caught my interest because on steam it was £0.80, that is insane! The game is a team based co-op survival game that involves you and your friends fighting off waves of dinosaurs as 3 distinct classes with their own abilities and strengths. However that is only one of the modes as there is team deathmatch, a mode where you get to play as the actual dinosaurs, an open world mode where you defend several bases and loads more of really fun modes! This game knows what it is, a cheap yet fun experience that you can have with your friends. There is a deal to buy 4 versions of the game for you and your friends for only £2.00! If you need something for you and your friends to play on the cheap side, I highly suggest this.

That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.

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