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So while playing Skyrim, I realised something. RPG’s like Skyrim provide so many different options for gameplay and even though there is a limited number of paths to take, there is one road which people continue to travel in order to keep returning to Skyrim, Roleplaying.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, Roleplaying in games is usually allowing yourself to become so immersed in the game that you purposefully provide schedules or limit yourself in various ways in order to make yourself feel like a part of the game world. I started off my Skyrim playthrough as simply another go through Skyrim however eventually found myself wanting to play as a Bloodknight Vampire (Dark Ebony armor, warrior playstyle, health draining spells etc). After I came to this realisation I found myself setting goals for myself within game, gaining vampirism, crafting ebony armor etc. While there are far better armor sets in the game and the vampire’s drain life spells are generally regarded as terrible I still went along with it. Why? Because roleplaying that’s why.

This way to play through an RPG like Skyrim, viewing it as a new world rather than simply a game, allowed myself to get more immersed by feeling like a true character within the universe. From this I found myself enjoying the game a lot more, providing self set limitations and providing your own backstory and traits to your character it makes it feel more personal. By doing so, my Bloodknight has become one of my personal favourite playthroughs in Skyrim, and I find myself wanting to complete all of the quests possible in order to develop my character, unlike Oblivion in which case I just eventually gave up from boredom as I was simply following the game just to complete quests, providing simply a checklist.

Overall then, I would highly suggest trying to roleplay in Skyrim at least once. It might seem silly at first, but you will find yourself enjoying the magic of Skyrim just like you first picked it up again. Be a hunter! Be an Ice Mage! Do whatever you please! Simply enjoy your time.

That’s all for now, and as always. It’s not just a game, It’s a Life.

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